
Your generosity makes a difference.

Why give?

According to the Bible, God owns everything. So, why does He ask us to give of ourselves – our time, energy and money in service to His church? Because our giving is a reflection of our love for God. He gave and has continued to give so much to us. It is fitting that we, as recipients of His grace and good gifts, give back to the people and places He loves – and He loves the people that make up the church! Giving also ensures we don’t hold the things of this world too tightly. God also uses giving to keep us in step with His Spirit. Oh...and, giving keeps the lights on at your local church!
Online giving is an easy and secure way to invest in the mission. Thank you for your generosity to support the work of Jesus through the ministry of Crossover Church! Please give directly from your bank account using the ACH option below whenever possible to significantly reduce the processing fees we incur to offer you a digital giving option. If you must give by debit or credit card, please consider covering the extra processing fees by checking the box provided. 


Simply, text "GIVE" to (509) 571-2915


Giving boxes located in the back of the auditorium as you exit.


16825 N. Newport Hwy.
Mead, WA 99021