

We are all on a Journey to Know God, thrive and live out the purpose He has designed for each one of us. Part of our job as the local church is to equip you to discover more about God and guide you to the next step in the Journey.

Whether that is knowing Jesus, learning scripture, overcoming sin, developing relationships, or investing in others, Crossover is committed to guiding you.

The Journey

Where do I start on The Journey?

Ask yourself these questions

Know God

Do I...
  • Have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
  • Regularly read the Bible and talk to God in prayer?
  • Know what it means to be a member of Crossover Church through NextSteps?
  • Share my testimony to help others come to know Jesus?

Make a Difference

Am I...
  • Committed and faithful to a place of service within Crossover Church?
  • Aware of my unique God-given gifting? Am I using those gifts in and outside of the church?
  • Living a life reflective of the Gospel in all areas of my life?
  • Proactive in looking for opportunities to serve others?
  • Waiting for others to invite me to a place of service or am I determined to find a need and fill it?

Get Connected

Do I...
  • Do I utilize opportunities to engage in authentic community at Crossover?
  • Attend events to proactively seek out connections and be a blessing to someone there? 
  • Recognize that I am a God-crafted and planted part of the Crossover body and show up in that confidence? Or, do I find myself saying, "I don't need to be there...They don't need me there...That isn't for me?"

Growing Stronger

Am I...
  • Committed to a GrowthGroup on or off-campus?
  • Proactively participating in my GrowthGroup? Allowing myself to be known by those in my group? 
  • Leading myself to grow stronger through personal Bible study, online Bible teachings, and other trusted resources?
  • Using the sermon notes from Sunday worship for further personal study into those passages or concepts?
  • Studying Bible prophecy so that I'm aware of how God is moving in the world today and live in sync with His Spirit in these last days?

We guide you to...

Know God

We have found that people are missing something - whether it is a void in their life, a constant struggle, or a lack of fulfillment. In one word, the thing they are missing is JESUS. We'll help you and your family know who God is.  

Make a Difference

Most people struggle to find their place in life, but here you can fulfill your God given purpose in a unique role. Learn to use your gifts, talents, and passions to further the Gospel of Jesus. Begin Making a Difference!

Get Connected

We connect people to people. Through event opportunities, services, Refuel, GrowthGroups and serving you will find friends, but you will also find family. Come see what we're all about and let us get you connected so you start living with thriving relationships. 

Grow Stronger Together

Crossover is a place where families are built, lives are changed, and the name of the Lord is lifted up. We grow stronger together.

Live out the Core Values

These are the specific attributes members of Crossover strive to live out in Jesus.


2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12-13; 2 Peter 1:20-21


Ephesians 4:12-15; Luke 10:2; 19:10;
1 Peter 4:10; Colossians 3:17

Holy Spirit- 

John 14:16-17, 26

Engaged in Authentic 

1 Timothy 1:5; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7;
Hebrews 10:24-25; John 15:12

Connected in

Colossians 4:2; John 14:15, 23


Isaiah 25:1; John 4:24; Psalm 28:7; 68:4-5; 95:6